Every now and then Robert’s neurologist wants to try a new
medication. Robert is on a litany of
drugs right now yet his seizures remain uncontrolled. Over the past few months, Robert’s seizures
have been coming in clusters and have been more frequent.
.JPG) |
Robert - happy and doing what he loves |
I have not been a fan of changing his medications even
though his seizures are uncontrolled.
That may sound terrible and irresponsible but medication changes have
caused horrific problems for him in the past.
Anyone with epilepsy can attest to the often frustrating experience of
trying new medications and having physical and psychological side-effects from
As a teenager and young adult, Robert tried numerous
medications which altered his personality in awful, unforgiving ways leading to
a suicide attempt, depression, anger and aggression.
Even a seemingly innocuous tinkering of medications can have
consequences. When Robert moved into
New Home
a few years ago, they decided to change the times his medications were given which
threw him into a horrible, downward spiral of numerous seizures.
Before that, his neurologist tried a new drug that was
supposed to work wonders (and does for many people) but that permanently
damaged his balance requiring him to use a walker ever since. Not to mention it
not having any effect on his seizures.
So, yes, I am a little gun shy when it comes to trying a new
medication or changing the dispense time of his medications.
Robert’s seizures were relentless in February. Seizure
clusters, longer seizures, falls –
falls – more than 60 seizures according to our seizure log which is double
Robert’s baseline.
At Robert’s most recent neurology appointment, the
neurologist again suggested trying a new medication. He is sympathetic to my reluctance but after
our February, I was ready to try something new to help stop or reduce these
Robert was put on a low dose of Trileptal. With all drugs, some work wonders
for people and others are ineffective.
Robert started on the new medication on a Thursday evening. He had a
seizure Friday morning at Day Program.
When he came home from Program on Friday, he was extremely tired and
sluggish. He was dragging his right leg
more than usual.
On Saturday, Robert spent the day at a care facility, which
had been pre-planned. He was still
having difficulty walking but I knew the ladies at the facility love Robert and
dote on him so was confident he would be safe.
He had a wonderful day being spoiled.
By Sunday, Robert was having real trouble walking and was
argumentative and obstinate. However, his cough was worse too and he felt warm
to the touch (although, he didn’t have a fever) so I was concerned pneumonia
was working on him again. When he gets pneumonia, he has similar symptoms:
walking is difficult and he is cranky.
He also hadn’t had a seizure since Friday morning at Day
While I was quite amazed he hadn’t had a seizure, I was also
very concerned not only about an impending hospitalization for pneumonia but
also about the new medication being the cause of these symptoms. We had Robert take it easy on Sunday which
wasn’t difficult since he was constantly falling asleep (and then getting upset
with us if we mentioned it).
On Monday I took him to the doctor. His walking was so
labored that I used the clinic’s wheelchair to get him into the building. His
doctor did a chest x-ray and listened to his lungs. All clear. He also did blood work and a
urinalysis to check for infection and toxicity from the Trileptal.
I called his neurologist to report all these new problems
and expressed my concern about the scheduled plan to double the dose within a
few days. After trading calls with the nurse practitioner and having to wait
until she spoke to the neurologist, I was to keep him on the medication. I was
hoping Robert would get used to the medication and get back to his normal, able-to-walk,
awake, cheery self. After all, he still hadn’t had a seizure.
By Tuesday, the neurologist had given me the green light to
stop the medication. His concern was that Robert was reacting poorly to such a
low dose of medication and because of that probably wouldn’t adjust to it.
But he hasn’t had a seizure!
I weighed the benefits of the medication with his tiredness,
difficulty walking and his sour mood. I held out hope that he would adjust to
this new medication which was somehow working to stop the seizures.
When trying a new medication, there is not only the concern
about whether or not they will work and the effects they have on a person but
also an overriding hope they will work. There
is one thing epilepsy cannot take from us: hope. Hope that a new medication or treatment will
At dinner on Tuesday, I decided to ask Robert how he felt
with the new med. This is always a crap-shoot because he is such a terrible
self-reporter. Even in the ICU, he answers
“excellent” to the question of “how are you feeling?”
I grilled him:
Of course, he replied, "Excellent."
I thought if I asked more detailed questions, I might be
able to get a more detailed answer:
Me: "Do you feel wobbly?"
Robert: "No."
Me.: "Do you feel dizzy?"
Robert: "No."
Me: "Are you having trouble walking?"
Robert: "No."
Me: "Are you having trouble thinking?"
Robert: Pause. "I don't think so."
The look on his face told me he thought I was having trouble
thinking by asking him all these silly questions.
I gave him the medication that night and the next morning
but on Wednesday, he told a staff member at Day Program that he was feeling
That tipped the scale for me. Robert doesn’t admit these things lightly.
The last time he took the med was Wednesday morning. By last night, he was more alert, a little steadier
and much more jovial. I asked him at
dinner if he was feeling any different than when he was taking the medication.
He said he felt excellent (of course).
Then he said he had felt dizzy and grumpy but that he felt better
I was shocked he was admitting to how he had felt and
stressed the importance of telling me when he didn’t feel like himself (I never
miss an opportunity for a lecture lesson).
He is slowly getting his balance back, he is not near as
groggy and slow as he was and his sense of humor and light spirit is
He also had a seizure this morning. My heart sank a little bit when it happened
and I had to write the seizure in his log – the first one of the month which is
highly unusual this far in.
I won’t give up trying to find the right solution for him.
In the meantime, our Robert is back and able to stay awake long enough to enjoy
the life he has.